Snoring Treatments & Sleep Apnoea with Dovetail

There are an estimated 1.5 million people suffering with obstructive sleep apnoea in the UK. While this is a startling statistic, it’s even more concerning that up to 85% of sleep apnoea sufferers remain undiagnosed and therefore, untreated.

Generally speaking, snoring is less deadly than sleep apnoea, but it can still be a disruptive nightmare for partners and others sharing a home with a serial snorer.

At Dovetail, we can help you whether you’re a chronic snorer or if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea. We have a number of treatments using the latest technologies and techniques, and we can help you and the loved ones in your life get a good night’s sleep.

So, let’s look into snoring and sleep apnoea in a little more detail, and give you all the info you need to help you sleep at night.

What is Snoring?

While we sleep, our nasal airway, tongue, and palate all relax along with the rest of our body.

In lots of cases, this means that the airway can become extremely narrow, and even partially blocked. The result is often a tightening of the vocal cords which then causes a vibration through the airway and up to the nose.

This vibration causes a noise, and the sensation is known as snoring.

You can ask anybody who shares a bed with a snorer, and they will tell you that it can get pretty loud. In fact, one of the loudest recorded snores is 140 decibels, which is about as loud as a thunderclap or a chainsaw.

Imagine being woken up by a thunderclap on the pillow next to you at 4am in the morning? Well, now you know how your partner feels if they tell you that you’re a snorer.

What is Sleep Apnoea?

While the cause of obstructive sleep apnoea is often very similar to snoring, the results can be much more serious.

With sleep apnoea, instead of narrowing in your sleep, the airway completely collapses, which in turn leads you to stop breathing altogether.

Generally speaking, this pause in breathing occurs for a few seconds at a time, although it can last longer in some cases. No matter how long it lasts however, it is still enough to wake you up in the middle of the night, gasping for air.

Not only is this terrifying to deal with, but it heavily disrupts your sleep cycle and makes you extremely tired and irritable when you wake up.

Life as a sleep apnoea sufferer can therefore be a living hell and lead to a much lower quality of life, and you might even find yourself nodding off during the day, which nobody wants.

Sleep apnoea is heavily associated with a range of devastating heart conditions, hypertension, and even death. It is also terrible for a person’s mental health, with chronic fatigue disrupting your day to day life.

It’s therefore important to try and seek advice and help with sleep apnoea, so that it doesn’t become a serious issue or take over your life.

How Can We Help with Snoring and Sleep Apnoea?

Here at Dovetail, we offer a range of cutting-edge treatments to aid sleep apnoea and snoring, such as a mandibular advancement split (MAS).

This works by connecting the upper and lower jaw, pulling the lower jaw forward to increase airflow into the airway while you sleep.

Lots of research has been done surrounding jaw positioning and how this can reduce vibration and keep airways open during sleep, and we have cutting edge technology to examine your jaw and improve your sleeping situation.

With a MAS, we take digital scans of your upper and lower jaw, which allows us to create a custom fitted device to gently adjust your jawline as you sleep.

This reduces the likelihood of snoring and more importantly, sleep apnoea.

Get in Touch

So, don’t suffer in silence, (or the opposite if you’re a snorer), get in touch with Dovetail to speak with an expert on the kinds of treatments we provide.

Our expert, friendly staff are here to provide our customers with a free consultation and the latest technologies to help you and your partner get a good night’s sleep.

So, if you’re a sufferer of sleep apnoea or a loud snoring sleeper, give us a call on 0191 261 9911 to book your free consultation.